One thing that always reminds me of my Oma is Schwarzbeerkuchen (blueberry cake). Oma and Opa used to bike into the woods to pick the wild blueberries around their home in Nuernberg, Germany. These weekly trips would yield baskets of blueberries which Oma would then lovingly bake into delicious blueberry cakes. She did both a yeast dough or a Quarkoel Teig which is made from the German quark (similar to a ricotta in texture). When we immigrated to Canada, my Mama found that quark was not readily available (foodies weren't a thing back then haha), so she adapted the recipe to be made with sour cream. This was my favourite summer cake as a child and still is today. I can vouch that it is delicious with blueberries from Bavaria, the Kootenays in British Columbia and wherever the store bought ones happen to be from on a given day. Since blueberry season is upon us, it's time to turn yummy, plush blueberries into that delectable Schw...